When questions arise, signers can now reach out to pre-designated contacts before or during the notary meeting without ever leaving their documents or meeting. Contacts also receive status updates on their transactions. Just enter your designated contacts when creating your transaction and you'll be on your way to a smoother closing!
Note: If you use Closing Concierge or place orders for your packages through Notarize, skip to this step.
Assign Your Contacts
Contacts must be designated during transaction creation. Any person such as a loan officer, title agent real estate agent or other key parties can be designated as the contact for the signer. To ensure signers are able to reach you during the meeting, make sure you include your preferred phone number. Additional contacts can be added by clicking the + point of contact link.
What if I use Closing Concierge?
Notifications During The Closing
Contacts listed on a transaction receive three email notifications throughout the closing process.
i. When the closing documents have been sent to the signer
All pre-designated contacts will be notified when a new document package is sent.
ii. Once the signer enters a meeting with the notary on the Notarize platform
This is when the signer is most likely to reach out, so keep your phone handy.
iii. When the documents are complete
Notarize will automatically notify contacts when a signer successfully completes their notary session. So you'll know when a closing package has been completed before your signer even has a chance to tell you.
Signer Access To Their Team
Signers can see their contacts’ information both in document review and during the notary meeting.
Pre-meeting review or sign ahead documents
Signers can easily retrieve their closing team’s contact info while reviewing their documents.
During the notary meeting
During the meeting, signers can call in their closing team if they have any questions. When the contact person answers their phone, they’ll hear a brief message letting them know they are on a recorded call and will then be added to the meeting.
Using Notarize Connect with Closing Concierge
If you place orders with Notarize to create and send your closing packages, then this is for you! There are two ways Notarize will add Points of Contact to your transaction when you place an order through Closing Concierge.
i. Closing Disclosure
If there is a Closing Disclosure in your package, our Closing Concierge team at Notarize will pull the points of contact from that document. This can include the Loan Officer, Mortgage Broker, Real Estate Agent, or the Title/Settlement Agent.
If you have specific preferences about how your company would like to use Notarize Connect, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
ii. Closing Concierge Order Contact Info
For title-initiated transactions (i.e. seller or cash) where there is no Closing Disclosure, the Closing Concierge team will use your contact information included in the order. This is the information you add under “Your Information” when placing an order.