More than 1.25 billion documents are notarized in the US each year, and each one is a milestone moment of opportunity and success – perhaps the birth of a small business, or a young couple buying their first home.
In 2020, each notary stamp was the story of people and businesses championing adversity and moving forward at a time when so much of life stood still. If you’re curious about people’s priorities during a global pandemic, look no further than notarizations – a bellwether of our economy and steward of life’s most important moments.
Notarize knew in 2015 what the entire world now knows: there needed to be a simple, easy way to notarize documents online. Almost overnight, businesses needed remote solutions that could replace their in-person, manual processes. Technology was no longer a luxury; it was a necessity.
But perhaps more importantly, this pandemic has highlighted our growing need for trust. In our most critical transactions – personal or professional – we must be able to operate with trust in those who we transact with.
It’s been our privilege to bring trust to life’s most important moments in a year as important as 2020. Notarize’s notarization data from 2020 shows us that even from home, life and business moved on in a major way this year.
We’ve seen incredible growth across industry verticals in 2020, as individuals demanded remote solutions and industries turned to software like Notarize to help keep business moving forward. Much of this massive growth from 2019 to 2020 can be attributed to the pandemic-induced rapid digitization of industries who migrated their business processes online when in-person was no longer an option.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently said that the world experienced two years of innovation in two months, and we’ve seen it with our own eyes here at Notarize. We’ve watched industries move quickly to ensure critical transactions were finally digitized. The digital future has arrived and it’s even better than we imagined - we aren’t going back.
By category, here’s the explosive digital transformation Notarize has experienced, been witness to and helped facilitate in 2020: